While doing so, they will remain within the confines of the cattery. Separate pens accommodate social and non-social cats and provide peace and quiet when needed.
Vaccinations required are: feline panleucopenia (enteritis), rhinotracheitis virus (herpes)and calcivirus, which both combine to protect against feline snuffles.
Chlamydia vaccine is optional.
If you are in any doubt about any aspect of your cats vaccination requirements, please contact your veterinarian.
Your cat will be participating in a flea and worm treatment programme, and this is required to be administered, at least, fourteen days prior to boarding.
Written confirmation of this is required.
Alrona Pet Motel, recommends that you provide a familiar piece of clothing/bedding to assist your cat with the settling in process. We are able to supply bedding also.
The cat pen sizing is as follows: L 2.0m H 2.0 W .60m.
There are two large outdoor cat play areas equipped with cat furniture, for the cats to play in/ on, while enjoying the outdoors, and scenic views.
We provide play time for our cats individually unless there are two or more from one family.
Our cats are fed Nutrience original. If your pet is on a special diet, we are happy to continue this, should you wish to supply their own food. We will also provide continuous feeders in this instance.
We will NOT board un-neutered male cats.